What is your most used social media?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Social media today

Welcome back bloggers, unfortunately this will be my last post on my blog, but we'll keep in touch down the road!

I'd like to first start this post by asking a serious question; what would the world be like without social media? Imagine it. We'd have to send letters to our friends and family instead of e-mailing or text messaging; we would have to actually sit down and watch the news on the television in the family room with our family instead of laying in bed on yahoo or Google finding out whats going on in the world, and we would even have to read books from the library instead of researching information online! It's a scary thought. I don't even think I could go a month, let alone a week without my social medias.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, Hotmail and all of those popular social networking sites have become a very important aspect in our daily lives. Put aside the fact that we waste numerous hours on these sites, they have changed the world for the good! These social sites have increased communication not only locally, but around the world. You can instantly send a tweet, a direct message, a Facebook message, an e-mail, or any of the other thousands of ways available all around the world.

You have instant access 24/7, which can sometimes be comforting. You have access to your friends, family, and even strangers at any time of any day. Friends and family can easily access your updates, your location, view pictures you've posted and even keep track of your relationship status! And, when I say 24/7, I mean it! Some of my friends are on Twitter late at night (or should I say in the early morning) instead of sleeping... Also, you can easily stay on top of news and events all around the world with one click of a button. Nowadays, people can make dinner reservations, buy movie tickets or even check morning traffic reports The accessibility is truly endless!

Social networks are also a great way to reconnect with past friends, co-workers, teachers or even family members you aren't close with. I know when you join Facebook, the site gives you a list of recommended friends and friends you may know based on the information you give them.

Today, 98% of the world uses social media and this doesn't surprise me. But, what did surprise me is that Israel is the most engaged country in social media, I thought for sure it was either United States or Canada. However ladies and gents, in my opinion a world without social media would be worst than death! I'd no longer be able to communicate with people, I wouldn't be able to share photos, check updates, or even keep track of my friends relationship status'! What would I even do with all of my spare time? Homework maybe? Probably not. Tell me how your life would change without social media!

Till next time tweeters and Facebookers!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Top 8 most popular social networks among teens

Welcome back! Today I will reveal the most popular social networks among teens! Ranked as the most popular social networking site...................FACEBOOK hits the spot!

Facebook was first created by Mark Zuckerberg in his dorm at Harvard University, and the site was officially launched in February 2004. Zuckerberg had originally planned to only allow students from Harvard to access the site, but later it expanded to the Boston area. Not even a day after the site was launched, 1,200 Harvard students were members of the network, and not long after, most of the undergraduate population had a profile on the site. By September 2006, anyone over the age of 13 with a valid email address could join Facebook. 

Facebook first started out as a website where students from Harvard could compare two other students pictures and decide who was "hot" and who was "not". It was called facemash. In order to get the students pictures, Zuckerberg hacked into Harvards security network and copied the students ID pictures. A few days, the website was shut down and he was faced with several charges, including breach of security and violating copyrights and was expelled from Harvard. On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg decided to start over with a new site. He launched "The facebook", however, not even 6 days later he was accused of stealing the idea from other Harvard students. The Harvard students even went as far a filing a lawsuit against Zuckerberg, but it was declined.

In 2004, Zuckerberg came across an investor, Sean Parker, who had a big impact on the company. Zuckerberg changed the name to "Facebook" and bought the domain name "facebook.com" for $200,000. All of the trouble that Zuckerberg had to face sure payed off later when his company made him the world's youngest multi-billionaire, but hasn't kept all the money to himself.  He has donated money to organizations all around the world, including over $100,000 to public schools in New Jersey to help build their community.

Facebook is the biggest and most popular social network among anybody around the world. It allows users to message other users, post pictures, share stories, comment and like other posts, and even play games and search up information. Today, Facebook has over 1.1 billion users from around the world, with over $5 billion in revenue! It doesn't surprise me at all that Facebook is number 1; every single person I know has a Facebook profile, even my grandparents!  I especially use the site to communicate with friends and family that I don't see everyday. I have family members that live in the United States, and Facebook is a great way to keep in touch!

Do you know anybody who doesn't have a Facebook account? Does it surprise you that Facebook is the most popular social network? Comment below and let me know what you think!!
